Roma Holocaust memorial day

Entrance to the Holocaust Memorial to the Roma and Sinti in Bohemia is free today.
Pietní kruh k uctění památky obětí tábora

Today, 2 August 2024, marks the tragic anniversary of the 80th anniversary of the mass murder of all Romani prisoners of the so-called “family camp” at the Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. The liquidation of the camp was preceded by transports of able-bodied Roma to other camps (Buchenwald, Ravensbrück, Flossenbürg, etc.), but even so, about 4,300 people remained in the camp, mostly elderly and sick people, orphans, mothers with children and their fathers, unless they wanted to leave their families. On the evening of 2 to 3 August 1944, all the prisoners were taken to Crematorium V. There they were herded into the gas chambers and murdered without mercy.

Today, join us in honouring the victims with silent remembrance, by laying flowers at the memorial site or by visiting the Memorial’s exhibition. Admission is free today.